Sunday, August 2, 2009

Guess we're all Saints...

Dear Readers,

I am horrific with keeping a daily blog. However, I will do my best. I just didn't think it was appropiate to write one with a hangover. Although results would've been absolutely hilarious.

Yesterday, I had Church in the morning... I had to do Altar service which is more entertaining than just sitting down doing nothing because that gets me tired. After Church, I went to Camberwell to find Claire, and I was pretty depressed because there was no more cheesecake at the store she likes, therefore I didn't get to try any.

So we ate at Georges instead, it was quite delicious. Then we decided to pop into some stores, and I bought a beautiful silk/lace dress. Was extremely happy with my purchase.

At Georges with Devil nails

Then we got to her place and I showed her my beautiful Sunday dress from Woodford and Co. Was amazing haha. We just sat on her bed with laptops, magazines and cake. Very content.

Sunday Dress and Clearly

Women multitask. What I do best.

We chat to each other on MSN when we're 20 cm away haha

Claire and I decided to have a little drive around Kew, nevermind the fact that we are still on our L's... it was fun! I like driving her car. I only drive manual but she taught me how to drive automatic, way easier :)

A bit of reversing...

Driving around Kew

So we arrived home again, and started getting ready to go out. We got to Kew Junction, took the tram to the city and went to Tulk. There, we ordered a strawberry daquiri and a long island ice tea. Drinks are a little expensive but delicious enough.

Getting ready to go out

Bunny @ Kew Junction

After our session at Tulk, Claire and I decided to head off to St Kilda, that's the place to be on Sundays. We went to Robarta for a quick drink, then Barkley but that's always full and sometimes overrated (the bouncer touched my waist so of course we were leaving haha!), so we went back to Fitzroy St, visited Mink where I drank a Cam Shaft (they made it spicy so I was pretty mad- will tell them next time to lay low on the tabasco).. after that we went to Saint which is a bit of a soft spot for Claire and I, we've had some memories there.

@ Tulk lifts

Tulk lifts

Saw the person who I used to have some feelings for... maybe still do. Who knows really haha. We'll just call him Mr. B for privacy reasons.

It was a bit awkward seeing him because I don't really know what's going on between us, well I do but our situation always changes which gets kind of annoying. I think I am a bit too young to be experiencing the whole 'adult' world and by adult, I'm not talking about early twenties haha. Not being ready for those situations can be really hurtful for the person who mistakenly, devoloped feelings. I should really lay low and do childish things again, or else I'm gonna go crazy.

Claire and I left Saint to go to Robarta again, had to escape from some seedy mcseeds and then we went home to snuggle and cry. Lately, our nights out haven't been as fun as usual. I think we need a change of scenery. Any suggestions?


Today, we woke up, fell asleep, woke up and drove to Maccas for breakfast. Then we drove to Kew Junction so I could get to the city and them home. Now I'm home at the moment, but I have work soon which is so annoying with a hangover.

I am hung over.

Annoyingly, I will have to wash the dishes tonight. Sorry for such a long blog.

Doro x


  1. I was going to buy that W&C dress from Nicola! It was only $100! It feels so nice~~

  2. I am hung--overrrrrr. - Anchorman

    ^___^ HAHA
