Monday, August 3, 2009

Dear Readers,

Today I was pretty grumpy. I got woken up by an SMS from an employment agency, then I had to call them up to tell them to go away. After that, they got me so nervous I couldn't sleep.

When Mum got home at 11 am, she wanted me to go drive with her but I really hate driving in rainy weather. I saw a billion crows today (I'm superstitious so I think they're bad luck). Was not happy. Realised I had a dentist appointment tomorrow, but can't make it since I also have an appointment at the gym. And WAS supposed to have an appointment at the employment agency too. I feel way too busy for my liking.

(I just thought I should put a nice picture of me in the middle so you'll stay awake during this pretty boring blog)

Anyway, tomorrow I have to do the beep test infront of a potentially hot gym instructor. I feel quite mortified... when I did the beep test in Year 8, I got a 3.4... in Year 11, I got 4.8 or something around that. And I'm 100% sure I cheated/cut corners to get that much haha. This just shows how unfit I am. Am tempted to get some steroids by tomorrow, anyone know where to get some? I joke. Not really haha.

So now I'm home, reading 'Blood and Gold' by Anne Rice. I started it a few days ago but lost track, now I'm confused about who is telling the tale. This is the problem about not reading everyday. I think my concentration span is very limited.

Today has been quite uneventful.

This explains my mood.

Bye bye, Doro x


  1. I got 7 or 8 in my beep test in year 7, I was so fkn proud!
    Hahahahha don't take steroids, you take such extreme measures!

    oh dear.
    mmm, i demand we buy more sara lee cheesecake.
    that stuff is dangerously addictive.
